18th August 2022
I am at antiSOCIAL, one of Mumbai’s busiest live music venues. I’m here thanks to my friend Aniket’s recommendation - he tells me that a talented young artist called Yashraj is dropping his new EP at midnight.
By the time I wrap up work and head there, I catch the last half hour of Gandhar, another young musician who is opening for Yashraj. As just one person behind a console with his equipment (a laptop, a beat maker, and a guitar with processors and loop pedals is what I could make out); not only is Gandhar playing some great music, but even watching him do it is interesting as he smoothly navigates the combination of instruments in front of him. I am no music journalist by any means, but the best way I can describe his music is that it had beautiful flowing vocals over some deep electronic beats, all of which he was creating then and there, live. Definitely someone whose music I will want to listen to more.
As Gandhar is playing the last bit of his set, I see this guy on top of the stage in the corner, really grooving to the tracks. This is Yashraj. It’s incredible to see him so full of energy, and genuinely enjoying the music of his opening act this much. Occasionally he steps out of the complete shadows to hype the crowd up for Gandhar, and to me that is amazing to watch. I have been to a few shows where the main act comes on only when their set begins. Yashraj immediately strikes me as someone who not only loves the art form, but also is kind to other artists.
Eventually Yashraj comes onstage, and the crowd erupts. It is made up of largely 20-something-year olds, whom Yashraj calls ‘mere log’. The guy has a commanding stage presence. He begins with a song his people are familiar with, before moving to talking about his new EP and performing his new material from the EP he is dropping at midnight, ‘Takiya Kalam’. Between every song, he tells us a little about the next one to come and engages with the crowd masterfully. Every song has a unique graphic projected on the wall behind him. The connection between artist & audience is strong here, and they are all flowing together as he leads them. There are hands going up in unison, people singing together, and some brief version of a mosh pit gets created at regular intervals. There is an amazing energy here, and it is incredible to see not just the artistic ability, but also the confidence of such a young musician.
After Yashraj concludes his set, Dropped Out & Manin start spinning. I stay for a few minutes before making my way home. I have commissioned work that begins early morning, and as much as I wish I can stay, I cannot be late tomorrow. And since I’m no longer 20-something, I need my sleep!
Gandhar’s Instagram: @actuallygandhar
Yashraj’s Instagram: @yashrajint

- Sam